No Rails, by Argammon
17 days left
No Rails, by Argammon
17 days left
1:12.041:27.85 driving Lamborghini Diablo VT (m)
1:13.761:29.95 driving Lamborghini Diablo VT (m)
1:21.221:24.60 driving Peugeot Oxia (m)
Great time @Duplode ! I will keep trying to see how fast the Vette GAR lap can be done
@Stingray86 Here goes a Vette GAR lap Though this track is about as far from OWOOT as it can get, going straight at both splits results in an entirely reasonable no-shortcuts ride!
I've taken the same route as with the Oxia and spent the same amount of effort on both replays. It seems the Oxia is considerably faster than the Audi, even when taking into account the latters better bonus. It seems clear the Audi cannot challenge the Diablo on this track, but can the Oxia?